Our Services

Choosing The Right Partner

Adequate knowledge and experience are essential to finding effective solutions to problems. Many solutions may at first seem obvious, as just the application of clearly previously stated procedures. However, more often than not, appearances may be deceiving. People from different cultures have different ways of interpreting, managing and solving problems. Each country has its own peculiarities of communication, behaviour and ways of doing business. This is why so many foreign establishments look for local partners in order to ensure that their investments are managed effectively and in a timely manner. Choosing the right partner is perhaps the most important decision they will make. There is nothing more reassuring than knowing that you are working with a partner who you can trust to do the job properly.

Management Services Turkey

At Management Services Turkey, we strive to represent your best interests by ensuring that the reasoning behind your plan or decision to invest in Turkey is sound, and that you are taking the right course of action to implement the investment.

Management Services Turkey provides the full range of management consulting support services to foreign companies and individuals wishing to develop their connections in Turkey. MST, through its years of expertise and experience in working in many commercial sectors in Turkey, is in the best position to ensure a sound, reliable, and effective handling of its clients’ individual needs.

MST provides a direct service to clients. These services are designed to ensure that work is performed according to planned targets. Such services will, for example, include market research, sectoral studies, and representation in investment, on-going business, and other projects.

MST is the corporate entity behind the “Your Man in Turkey” service website, which provides services in a full range of relevant service sectors through its solution partners. These sectors include accounting, finance, health, human resources, information technology & communication, insurance, legal, marketing, property, relocation, tourism, and work & residence permits.

MST also provides technical and marketing support to the “Your Man in Turkey” blog website.